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This is our story.

About Us

We came into existence when we learned from a Bain-study that only 4% of sustainability change projects manage to meet, or exceed, expectations. In a world where we’re transgressing the planetary boundaries all the more blatantly, we need – at least – to ensure that change projects related to sustainability deliver to a level we might expect to serve a larger purpose.

When looking into the why of these projects not meeting expectations, we notice that, by and large, the key reasons can be reduced to 3 dimensions: funding; culture (including the way of working); and leadership (including strategic alignment, structure…). As organisation developers, (re)designing cultures and supporting leadership is part of our history and engrained in our DNA.

Force for Good

Force for good

We are a B-Corp in-the-making. From our conception on we decided to be a force for good. Responsible leadership is also about walking the talk. How could we transform teams and organisations and turn them into sustainable powerhouses for good, while not being a B-Corp.

The B-Corp movement consists of companies large and small, working to redefine capitalism as we know it. We’re all working towards a common goal of transitioning to an economic system that is equitable, regenerative, and inclusive.

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The Cronos Group

We are part of the Cronos Group of companies. The Cronos Group is a diverse group, active in a number of innovative sectors, mainly dealing with technological challenges. The group seeks to serve as a catalyst for the development of scientific research on new technologies into business solutions. We joined the Group because we noticed that moving towards a regenerative future involves technology. The biggest hurdle with this approach is that we often loose ourselves in the novelty of the technology while forgetting that it has to serve human beings and humankind in the first place.

We focus on overcoming key issues: purpose alignment, culture, and leadership – to ensure sustainability efforts serve a greater purpose.

Drop us a line to find out more, we’re happy to have a conversation.

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