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Our business etchics & Code of Conduct

Our Values

Our values define who we are as an organisation and who we aspire to be.

They provide the guiding principles that shape our actions and are essential to fulfilling our mission which is to build and improve organisational resilience, ensuring their sustainable performance, the thriving of both traditionally valued as well as historically undervalued people and their leadership in order to jointly built a regenerative future within planetary boundaries.

We expect all colleagues to live our values every day. And when faced with a difficult situation we expect everyone to challenge themselves, and to consult with colleagues, to determine what course of action would be most consistent with our values.


We endeavour to speak truth to power, meaning that where we find abuse of power in business and the workplace, we speak the truth about it to those in power. We understand that, oftentimes, we are compelled to be silent out of fear for disharmony or self-protection.

However, this will never be an excuse to refrain from engaging actively in creating a better world.

Speaking the truth in business includes honesty in all our dealings. We lean into a long tradition of making every effort to keep the promises we make, including on price, delivery or quality.

Our prices must not be deceptive. Our price structure is created based on a clear and transparent logic in which we not only capture our past learning and experience, but also include the undiscounted value for future generations.

We speak plainly, that is, not using devious language to mislead or confuse about our products, services or in any of our business dealings. We are not afraid to affirm the truth that profit is necessary for survival and reinvestment, permits better conditions for our collaborators, partners and suppliers, and provides taxes for the common good.



A simple lifestyle for our organisation as well as ourselves addresses the ethical problem of our time that overuse of the earth’s resources is affecting our
carbon footprint and world poverty.

We prioritize sourcing locally produced, distributed and marketed products, and aim to support businesses representing otherwise underrepresented
voices in our society.

We aim to be regenerative towards our
environment in all of our undertakings.


We are non-violent. We will not, under any circumstance, work with or support organizations who are directly or indirectly involved in destructive
operations such as the arms trade. Equally will we regard any form of violence or coercion in business as suspect.

Forcing our wishes on others by strong and angry words can be a form of domination, lacking respect for the other. We seek to speak gently and respect others’ views.

We desire a peaceable relationship with the earth, using resources sustainably.


We are and will be courageous in standing up for what we believe to be right. In the face of threat because of what we stand for, we will stand firm
and support our fellow humans in their (potential) sufferings.

Drop us a line to find out more, we’re happy to have a conversation.

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