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Emmanuelle Verhagen
Pulished Jul 4, 2024 2:50:21 PM.

Sustainability: Beyond the environmental aspect

Sustainability has become a ubiquitous term, often associated with environmental efforts like reducing carbon emissions. While environmental responsibility is undeniably crucial, true sustainability goes much deeper. We often think of it as going green and cutting carbon emissions, which is undeniably important, but there's far more to the story. Sustainability is like a three-legged stool: social, economic, and environmental. All three legs need to be strong for the stool to stand tall.

Traditional business models prioritised profit and economic growth above all else. However, the concept of sustainability introduces the Triple Bottom Line, emphasising three equally important aspects:

1. Planet: Environmental sustainability focuses on minimising our impact on the planet's natural resources and ecosystems. This involves practices like reducing waste, using renewable energy, and mitigating climate change.

2. People: Social sustainability ensures a just and equitable society. It considers factors like employee well-being, diversity and inclusion, and responsible supply chains that respect social justice and human rights.

3. Profit: Economic sustainability focuses on long-term financial viability. It encourages responsible management of resources, innovation, and creating shared value for all stakeholders, contributing to positive economic development.

This approach unlocks the true potential of sustainability, driving sustainable development that benefits future generations. Organisations like, an organisational development consultancy focused on cultural transformation, exemplify this. We help businesses develop a culture that fosters sustainable practices across all three dimensions. 

Our approach considers both internal values (Values management, Values-based strategy) and external demands (Strategic sustainability planning), ensuring long-term success and a positive Return on Investment (ROI) on sustainability investments. cultivating sustainability from the inside out

At, we believe that true sustainability goes beyond superficial green initiatives. It's a holistic transformation, woven into the very fabric of an organisation's culture. We're not just about environmental impact; we're about empowering businesses to achieve long-term success that thrives in harmony with people and the planet.

We understand that true sustainability isn't a one-size-fits-all green makeover. It's a transformation that goes to the very core of your organisation's culture. We look beyond environmental impact to empower businesses to achieve long-term success that thrives in harmony with people and the planet.
Our unique approach centres around cultural transformation. We recognise that lasting change starts from within. We foster a shared purpose and values that prioritize sustainability across all levels of the organisation. This creates a foundation where everyone feels invested in the journey towards a sustainable future.

We take a 360° inside-out perspective, considering both your internal values and external demands. This ensures your sustainability initiatives resonate with your company's DNA, while still aligning with global environmental and social goals. It's about finding the sweet spot where your unique strengths and the world's needs converge.

Toolbox of techniques

To drive this cultural change, we leverage a powerful toolbox of techniques. We utilise the Barrett Values Centre to uncover your organisation's core values, ensuring sustainability efforts align with your deepest purpose. We then translate your sustainability vision into actionable goals using Objectives & Key Results (OKRs), fostering transparency and accountability throughout the journey.

Our co-active executive coaching equips your leaders with the skills and mindset to champion sustainability as a core value. They become the driving force behind cultural transformation, inspiring buy-in across all levels of the organisation.

We also create safe spaces for open dialogue and collaboration through Deep Democracy. This ensures everyone's voice is heard in shaping a sustainable future. Additionally, we leverage Appreciative Inquiry to build upon your organisation's existing strengths and successes. By focusing on positive experiences, we propel sustainable practices forward with momentum and a sense of possibility. goes beyond greenwashing. We cultivate a culture of sustainability that becomes ingrained in your organisation's DNA. Our comprehensive approach ensures your commitment to a thriving future for your people, the planet, and your bottom line. Partner with and embark on a transformative journey towards a truly sustainable future.

Sustainability: Beyond Environmental Responsibility

Forget short-term gains and hello, long-term success! Sustainable practices lead to cost savings and open doors to new revenue streams. Happy and healthy employees, fostered by a sustainable work environment, translate to loyalty and top-notch performance. A company committed to sustainability builds a stellar reputation, attracting both conscious consumers and top talent. This translates to a clear competitive advantage, allowing you to stand out from the crowd in a world increasingly focused on responsible practices. In short, a holistic approach to sustainability is the key to unlocking long-term success for both your business and the planet.

Embracing sustainability

Human activities are major sources of environmental impact, and companies have a significant role to play in mitigating these. Sustainable business practices go beyond simply reducing energy consumption or waste output. They encompass a holistic approach that considers the long-term impacts on the environment, society, and the company's bottom line.

This includes promoting fair labour practices, ensuring access to education for employees, and fostering diversity and inclusion within the workforce. Education levels directly correlate with human well-being and a company's ability to innovate and adapt. Furthermore, by implementing energy efficiency measures and utilising renewable energy sources, companies can significantly reduce their environmental footprint while reaping economic benefits through lower energy costs. Ultimately, a commitment to long-term sustainability strengthens a company's reputation, fosters employee engagement, and positions them for success in a future increasingly focused on social responsibility and environmental well-being.

Redefining success: A sustainable future for businesses

The definition of business success is evolving. It's no longer solely about maximising short-term profits. Companies are increasingly recognizing the vital role they play in shaping a healthy life for our planet and its inhabitants. This broader vision of sustainability extends beyond environmental concerns and encompasses the well-being of human society as well.

A commitment to sustainability isn't just the ethical choice; it's a smart business decision. Sustainable practices that prioritise human health and well-being can have a positive impact on employee morale, productivity, and overall health care costs. Additionally, by focusing on resource efficiency and environmental responsibility, companies can reduce their economic impacts and ensure long-term economic viability.

Many organisations are establishing dedicated Offices of Sustainability to spearhead these initiatives. These teams work to integrate sustainability into every facet of the company's operations, from adopting eco-friendly office practices to implementing sustainable supply chains. By embracing various forms of sustainability – such as fair labour practices, responsible sourcing, and community development projects – companies can cultivate a competitive advantage in today's marketplace. 

Consumers are increasingly drawn to brands that demonstrate a commitment to environmental and social responsibility. This "sustainability-first" growth approach fosters brand loyalty, attracting and retaining top talent who share the company's values. Ultimately, a holistic approach to sustainability strengthens a company's economic factors and positions it for long-term success in an evolving world.


What is sustainability beyond the environmental aspect?

Beyond the environmental aspect, sustainability encompasses the well-being of human society and includes social and economic considerations. It is about promoting a balanced and equitable future for people and the planet.

Why is sustainability important for businesses?

Sustainability is important for businesses because it not only demonstrates ethical responsibility but also has economic benefits. Sustainable practices can improve employee morale, productivity, and health care costs. Companies that prioritise resource efficiency and environmental responsibility can also reduce their economic impacts and ensure long-term viability.

How can businesses integrate sustainability into their operations?

Businesses can integrate sustainability into their operations by establishing dedicated Offices of Sustainability or sustainable teams. These teams can work on adopting eco-friendly office practices, implementing sustainable supply chains, and promoting fair labour practices. They can also engage in responsible sourcing and participate in community development projects. By embracing various forms of sustainability, businesses can cultivate a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

How does sustainability impact a company's reputation?

Sustainability positively impacts a company's reputation by attracting consumers who are increasingly drawn to brands that demonstrate a commitment to environmental and social responsibility. A "sustainability-first" approach fosters brand loyalty and can attract and retain top talent that shares the company's values. Ultimately, a holistic approach to sustainability strengthens a company's reputation and positions it for long-term success.

How does sustainability contribute to the future of businesses?

Sustainability contributes to the future of businesses by ensuring their long-term success in an evolving world. As society becomes more focused on social responsibility and environmental well-being, companies that prioritise sustainability are more likely to thrive. By considering economic, social, and environmental factors, businesses can adapt to changes, meet the expectations of stakeholders, and position themselves as leaders in a sustainable future.

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Emmanuelle Verhagen

Emmanuelle Verhagen, Ph holds an MSc. in Commercial Sciences with majors in both Finance and Marketing. This was complemented with an MBA from SDA Bocconi, where she majored in Value Management and System Dynamics.

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