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Our approach has proven to drive fundamental shifts in organisational culture.

Our approach follows a 4-step process

And while the process serves as guideline in tackling any challenge we’re offered, the
process is adapted to the needs and realities of the case at hand.

Also, it’s worth noting that culture can’t be outsourced. Our role is to enable you to
understand how culture works and our interventions will lead to empowering
you first and foremost.


Oftentimes “culture” is used as a vague indicator of what is actually needed or desired. And while our interventions lead to cultural transformation, we first need to uncover what the actual root cause is.

Once this is established, we can design an intervention that is relevant to the organisational system and provides measurable results. Part of the process is trying to understand what is happening in the organisation.

All too often culture is assumed and too seldom made tangible enough to actually manage.

The discovery or wheelbarrow stage allows us to fully grasp what would serve you best to move forward.


Once we understand the root causes and are able to discern pathways forward we look at what would be relevant and attainable for and by the organisation.

We co-construct the different scenario’s, prioritise different actions and build an overall action plan.


The action plan potentially leads to a number of interventions on the leadership level.

Change happens only when leaders both on a corporate and team level step into their role as change agents.


In a final phase we dive into the action.

We co-design a specific approach in order to ensure that the desired cultural elements gain hold in the organisation and trigger the expected behavioural responses.

With applied positive psychology, systems thinking and neuroscience at the core, we support the
growth of next generation businesses. The ones that are resilient, agile and efficient, as well as
being inclusive, empowering and purpose-driven.

Whether it’s with large, complex global businesses or the next big scale-up,
our approach has proven to drive fundamental shifts in organisational culture.

Alongside our core process, we offer a number of related ‘off the shelf’ services,
including culture profile workshops, resilience training and leadership

Our story

We came into existence when we learned from a Bain-study that only 4% of sustainability change projects manage to meet, or exceed, expectations.

In a world where we’re transgressing the planetary boundaries all the more blatantly, we need – at least – to ensure that change projects related to sustainability deliver to a level we might expect to serve a larger purpose.

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The story

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