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Building a thriving culture


Culture is the term we use to describe the way of being of a group of people who share a common heritage or identity. The culture of a group of people reflects the values and beliefs of current leaders and the institutional legacy of the values of past leaders, which are embedded in the structures, policies, systems, procedures and incentives of the group.


What is culture?

Culture is the most important factor that differentiates one group of people from another.

An organisation’s culture defines who you are and what you stand for. Vibrant cultures are values-driven, mission-driven and vision-driven. They exhibit high levels of values alignment and have low Cultural Entropy® scores.

Culture is like the landscape on which you execute your organisational strategy.

Without understanding the cultural landscape in which you find yourself, you cannot fully implement your strategy.

Barrett’s values model &
Cultural Transformation

The Barrett Values Model is the seminal work of Richard Barrett. Grafted onto his values study for the United Nations and inspired by Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Meanwhile, the approach has been tested and put into practice by thousands of organisations over the last few decades.

The model identifies the seven areas that comprise human motivations. These range from basic survival on the one hand, to service and concern for future generations on the other.

It provides a proven and extremely useful map for understanding the values of your employees, leaders, and stakeholders. Even better, it provides a means for creating more supportive and productive relationships between them, and a deeper alignment of purpose in your organisation.



Understanding authentic motivations forms the basis for the Barrett Analytics Culture Model. These are the values that are important to us people and that motivate us. Therefore, building your optimal culture starts with understanding the values that inspire it. These values – conscious or unconscious – motivate every decision made or action taken.

By focusing on values, we can observe and interpret the underlying values of behaviour. The result is that you are able to paint a clear and precise picture of the current and future dynamics of your person, organisation or team, without bias – so that action plans are based on accurate insights, and tailored to your specific circumstances.

Barrett Analytics (formerly Cultural Transformation Tools CTT®) are effective tools for diagnosing, monitoring and developing Values and Culture, aimed at coaches, change consultants and change agents. The online diagnostic tools can be used to advise individuals (Leadership Development), teams and organisations. According to the latest research, values-based organisations are the most successful players in our globalised world because they can identify and satisfy the needs of their employees, and in return obtain high levels of commitment and motivation from them.

Cultural Transformation


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