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The 11 biggest cultural challenges in tech companies and how to overcome them.

Download the Culture Hacking Tech Companies White Paper and;

✅ Understand the biggest cultural challenges in tech companies

✅ Gain hands-on culture-hacking tricks to tackle these problems

✅ Proven-to-work strategies from 260 tech companies

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The biggest cultural challenges leaders in Tech companies face

In our White Paper we have identified the key challenges leaders in tech companies face and helped them turn these into opportunities for operational excellence.

The white paper gives you;

Basic understanding of Cultural Entropy
Key insights into the challenges in Tech companies
Examples on overcoming these challenges
Template: Create your own culture hacks

On the right we’ve listed the most common cultural challenges in tech companies.

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    Confusion: Unclear Directions and Purposes

    Employees lack clarity about the organization's goals and their individual roles, leading to decreased motivation and engagement.

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    Bureaucracy: Excessive Paperwork and Procedures

    Over-regulation stifles innovation, excessive meetings, and slows down decision-making processes, making it hard to respond to market changes swiftly.

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    Silo Mentality: Lack of Cross-Departmental Communication

    Departments operate as standalone entities with little to no synergy, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities for collaboration.

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    Hierarchy: Excessive Layers of Management

    Too many management levels can lead to slower decision-making and decreased agility. Employees feel disconnected from leadership and their vision.


White Paper: Culture Hacking Tech Companies

The biggest cultural challenges in tech companies and how to tackle them! This white-paper gives you all the tips and tricks you need to get started on improving your workspace culture today


3 steps to Transforming your Culture

Our simple approach to understand your challenges, map your culture and drive meaningful change.


(free) Discovery Call

In a free 30 minutes call we discuss your biggest cultural challenges and see whether can effectively address these issues.

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Cultural Assesment

Our Cultural Discovery analyses your workspace culture and maps the biggest challenges and opportunities in your organistion.

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Transformational Roadmap

Based on the findings we create a roadmap and do a full day workshop that paves the way for you to improve your workspace culture where needed.

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Case Study

A standout review that underscores the impact of' approach to organizational culture and success.


“Our cultural transformation resulted in the best operating income we ever had!”

In spite of this profitability, the management team was suffering from significant internal tension. The outcome of our cultural transformation has been demonstrated in numerous ways. To highlight a few, the Cultural Entropy score dropped from 33% to 6%, all of the top values in the Current Culture were positive, and the team has a common language to also address “invisible” questions. We’ve transformed toxic underlaying issue to high performing transparency.

Managing Partner
Volvo Trucks International
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Our discovery helps you answer the difficult questions:

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    What motivates your team to perform their best?

    Trust, commitment, teamwork, honesty, continuous learning or accountability? Discover what they need.

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    What are the underlying issues affecting your culture?

    Control, job insecurity, blame, bureaucracy, silo mentality or hierarchy. Tackle your cultural entropy.

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    How can you align your culture to support your organisation’s mission?

    Discover the correlation between personal values, current company culture and desired values and culture, and pave the way to cultural improvement.


Take your first step to a better business culture

Schedule a free Cultural Discovery call.

In this session we will:

Discuss your cultural challenges

Introduce’ working methods

Demonstrate our culture analysis tools

Share our best practices on improving workspace culture


What our previous partners say about us.


The firm's reputation has improved, employee turnover has decreased, and revenue has grown by 30%. Employees report a more positive and collaborative work environment.

Minna Skyman
Setterwalls Law (SWE)

The cultural entropy score dropped from 30% to 19%, indicating a more collaborative work environment. The firm also saw improvements in revenue, profit, operational efficiency, and employee retention.

David Price
CRU International (WW)

This culture shift led to significant improvements. Their ranking jumped from 11th to 6th among all temporary employment firms in Germany. The company also won awards for quality and workplace culture

M. Bayerlein
I.K.Hofman (GER)

Frequently asked questions

How will you measure the ROI on cultural investment?

Measuring ROI involves setting clear, measurable goals at the beginning of our engagement. These might include improvements in employee engagement scores, reduction in turnover rates, productivity enhancements, or a reduction of organizational entropy. We provide detailed reports showing progress against these metrics, helping you see the tangible benefits of your investment.

How do I know that fits my organisation? is ideal for organisations seeking to enhance their culture, particularly in the tech industry, though our methods apply broadly. Consider if your challenges align with our expertise in employee engagement, leadership development, and organizational change. A consultation will help determine the specific fit for your needs.

How does measure the success of its cultural transformation efforts?

Success is measured using a variety of metrics tailored to your specific goals, including employee engagement scores, retention rates, performance metrics, and feedback from regular cultural health checks. Our key metric is the cultural entropy in the organisation. This leading indicator reflects the degree of disharmony present. Also, we adjust strategies based on ongoing assessments to ensure continuous improvement.

How quickly can we expect to see results from your cultural transformation services?

While cultural transformation is a long-haul initiative, we have tailored our methodology around sequencing quick wins in agile way. Consequently, many clients observe noticeable improvements in team communication and morale within the first few months. However, substantial and lasting transformation typically unfolds over a longer period, depending on the scope and depth required.

What makes different from other cultural transformation consultants?

Unlike more traditional consultancies, focuses on human centric approaches. While many of our competitors provide solid analysis, we provide a voice for the humans that make up the organisation without compromising on being evidence backed. Also, we endeavour to transfer our knowledge, insights and approaches to ensure sustained flourishing of your organisation.

What initial steps does take with a new client to start the cultural transformation process?

Typically, we start an engagement – once we had a first explorative conversation with key stakeholders – with mapping out the cultural landscape. We do with cultural assessment leveraging Barrett’s Analytics® which offers us a benchmarked basis for developing the next steps.

How can we maintain the changes implemented by

Sustainability is key to our approach. From the beginning we endeavour to transfer our knowledge, insights and good practices to empower your organisation and your leadership to continue the journey in developing and nurturing the culture that serves your purpose best. Where in the beginning we’ll be very present with and in the organisation, as time progresses, we’ll be more cheering you on from the sidelines. All in all, we co-create a common language around your culture and teach you to nurture it.

What if our organisation is resistant to change? How does handle this?

Resistance to change is a natural state of many organisations and a common barrier in cultural transformation. Our methodology provides for an alignment of leadership first and foremost. This is followed by methods and practices to ensure all voices are heard, validated and accounted for. Including voices of dissent. From this we co-design the cultural hacks needed to enable the system to evolve into an attainable and desired future. Our hacking approach allows you to gain quick wins, build momentum and adjust where needed.


Showcase video testimonials of cultural transformations led by